Hampton Roads SDA Church

Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12

Weekly Bulletin

The Church at Study

Song Service

9:30 am

Xander Roper

Opening Song

“Faith is the Victory”




Xander Roper




Lesson Study

9:40 am -- 10:50 am


                                             “Defeat of the Assyrians”                          Frank Butler




O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth: thou has made heaven and earth.   

Isaiah 37:16

Mission Emphasis

“Skipping School for Church”

JaLani Hartsfield

 The Church at Worship



Hymn of Praise



Pastoral Prayer

Children Story 

Special Music  

Scripture Reading

Spoken Word




"Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent”   #662

Pastor Cornel

“He Leadeth Me”  #537

Adventist TV Ministry


Elder William Thompson

Mary Bates                                                        

 Avi Davies 

“Matthew 6:19-21” 

“Seeking the Lost Treasures”                                                  

“Marvelous Grace” #109




Welcome all who have come to worship God this Sabbath day.  May the Lord bless you.  Reverence in the Sanctuary.  We all need to limit possible distractions while in the presence of God.


Remember in Prayer: Ethel Burton (health issues), Mildred Bales, Billy Charles & family (health), Linda Jones (health), Bible study students, Richards, Harriett Ware, Marjorie Charles, Mary Williamson – health issues, non-active church members.


HEALTH GUIDELINES:  In an effort to comply with the government’s health guidelines, to ensure that we are being mindful of the health of others, and ultimately to prevent church closure, please adhere to the following mandates.

1. Please refrain from attending services in person if you have a temperature or exhibit signs of a cold, have a cough or feel ill in any way.

2. Masks are mandatory and must be worn by everyone within the confines of the church building.

3. Mouths and noses must be always covered while in the building – absolutely no exceptions.

4. Temperature checks are mandatory and will be taken before entrance is allowed into the sanctuary.

5. Upon entering the sanctuary, please sit in the pew seats nearest to the front and then progress towards the back of the sanctuary.  This will limit the exposure to other attendees.

6. Upon conclusion of the service, please exit the sanctuary immediately through the marked door at the front of the church (the one closest to the piano).  Those at the front must exit the building first.

7. There should be no congregating within the confines of the building.  All meetings, greetings and conversations must be conducted in the parking lot.

8. The number of persons in attendance within the sanctuary will be limited to the recommended State’s guidelines.  Should the number of attendees exceed the maximum attendees allowed, all additional attendees will be directed to be seated in other areas of the church.

9.  All questions and concerns should be directed to the Church’s Health Committee.


PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS: Join us immediately follow the worship hour as we petition God’s throne for a revival and healing in our church, our families and our community. Let us continue each Sabbath to Pray Until Something Happens.


NEW BELIEVER’S CLASS:  Thursday’s 7-8pm.  Class covers all Bible doctrines the SDA Church believes.  Looking for new believers or anyone who desire to learn.


REMNANT RADIO:  Wednesday & Thursday 4:00pm; WPMH 1010AM, 100.1FM

FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS   – Feb 1 – Peggy Halifax; Feb 2Jimmy Clements; Feb 3 – Rick Brennan; Feb 10 – Keisha McDowell; Feb 17 – DeLois Berry, Cora Skinner.




Oct 20-Jan 2021








$ 13,101.46


$        63,113.56

Local church budget


$   6,568.22

$ 16,800.00

$        22,046.60

Local evangelism


$        25.00


$              166.04

Building Fund


$      652.16


$           3,668.55